Thursday, August 29, 2013

Last full day in Glacier

Trying this for a third time....

We decided to give our old bodies a rest today.  We took a 3 hour Red bus tour.  These buses were first made in 1914.  The buses that are in Glacier now were made in the 1930's.  There were 500 buses made and dispersed in National Parks.  Glacier Park is the only park that still has the Red touring buses.  They have 33.

I learned so much about glaciers.  There are only 25 left in Glacier. To be a glacier, it has to be 25 acres, 100 inches deep and move. (I hope I'm remembering this correctly)  We saw 2 of them on our tour.

That afternoon we went on a 3 mile hike around Swiftcurrent Lake.  It was relatively flat and my aching calves were greatful!!  We saw a Bull moose laying in the brush---he was enormous!
My pictures do no give him justice.  When I get David's pics, I'll show you how big he was.

Leaving for Cody, Wyoming in the morning.  Sure wish we could spend more time here in Glacier.
 View from the campground

 For Ellen....LOVED it!
 Wild Goose Island
 From the Red bus
 Our Red bus # 107

 Many Glacier Hotel

 My moose.... my other pics haven't downloaded
 St. Mary Lake
 Swiftcurrent Lake
 Red Touring bus

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