We left Teresa's and we planned to overnight in Grand Junction, Utah. Stopped at the KOA there and it was filled. Finally found a campground in West Junction to stay at--- in the overflow area. We were parked by the dump station and dumpsters. A lot of pipe workers were staying there. It was the first time we felt uneasy about staying somewhere. We found a Walmart and replenished our supplies. Had the pistol handy that night.
The new caution sign was "Eagles on Highway" as we made our way to Moab. Didn't see any eagles It is beautiful in Moab-- red cliffs were everywhere.
We checked in to the KOA as we arrived a day early for our "check in" to Arches National Park. We got the last spot in the KOA.
We went off road riding to see the Gemini bridges. Off roading in Utah is NOT what I expected. Going up a mountain on a rocky and/or slick rock road with deep gullies that you need to cross. Yeah, and it's on a narrow road filled with ATV's. We only saw 1 other vehicle- a jeep. The first few miles were terrifying for me. BUT once we got thru the mountain part- it was wonderful. We were down in the canyon basin and the panic about falling off the edge went away. We saw the twin bridges and then headed out of the canyon.
Oct. 1
Heard on the news that the govt. shutdown the National Parks this morning. David went to the visitor center/entrance of the Arches Park. Armed rangers and a deputy met him. NO entrance to the Park. The KOA moved people around so we could stay for 2 more days.
We went to Negro Bill Canyon trail this morning. It was a 6 mile hike thru the floor of the canyon. We crossed the same stream at least a dozen times. I was glad I brought my walking sticks to help me on the slippery rocks. It was weird looking up at the rock formations. We saw a natural bridge at the end of this hike. Very pretty. When you are hiking, the only markers to help you stay on the trail are small piles of rocks called cairns that people build.
The BEST news about October 1st was that "Goose and Saxi" puppies were born. I've had a dog crush on Goose for several years. Now, I'm getting one of his puppies!! SO excited! It has been too long without a golden in our lives. We"re getting a male puppy :)
Last day in Moab was spent hiking to Corona Arch. It was "only" 1.5 miles BUT you had to climb a steep rock face using a steel cable and then climbing a ladder up another rock face. But it was SO worth it!! The Arch was spectacular! We were disappointed not to see the "real" Arch in the park but content to see this beauty. It was 82 degrees but in the sun it was HOT!!!
We left and rode around and saw a trail head that we decided to check out. It ended up being an Off Road Trail. There was a section called "Pucker Pass." This was NOT named for your lips-- just saying!! The sights were unbelievable (when I opened my eyes).
The wind started blowing when we got back to camp. A wind gust messed up the awning. It's still usable but it was injured a bit. The red dust is everywhere in Moab. You feel it on your hair and on your body just by stepping out off the camper. I won't miss that!
In Moab there were tons of biker (the bicycle kind) and ATV's. I'd like to try an ATV but not the mountain biking...
Going to Gemini Bridges
on Canyon floor
the road--the nice road
for Sophie :)
cairns that mark a trail
campsite at Moab
David on hike to Corona Arch
My puppy is there!!
Corona Arch- had to climb a steep rock face with a steel cable and a ladder to get here
Natural bridge
off roading pics
we went thru this!!
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