Thursday, August 29, 2013

A little bit of heaven-Glacier National Park

Our second day at Glacier was spent moving from the KOA to the National Park.  The ranger told us that bears had been in the campground.  No wonder they were about as our camp site was surrounded by berries of all kinds.  But we didn't see a bear in the campground while we were there.  In the afternoon we hiked to St. Mary's Fall and then on to Virginia Falls.  It was a 3 hour hike.  BEAUTIFUL!!

When we came back to the campground and we rode bikes around the campground.  I think we did this about 4 different times during our stay  --Hey Bob and Dale (Debra Ann too)---- I think I may be ready for spinning class     NOT!!!

 The views were stunning
 My fire starter

 Columbian ground squirrel--they make a high pitched squeal

 St. Mary's Falls

 Virginia Falls

 Our camp site

 Virginia Falls

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