Monday, September 9, 2013

Yellowstone Day 1

I've written this blog once and lost it....fingers crossed X X

Day 1

We made our way from Buffalo State Park to Yellowstone this morning.  Today's caution signs were snowmobile crossings and elk crossing.

Just a mile from Yellowstone we saw our first bison (buffalo).  He was causing a car jam as he was ambling his way in the middle of the road..  The bison are doing well in Yellowstone.  We have seen herds and/or single bison each day.

We drove around Yellowstone that afternoon.  Yellowstone is huge!  in Glacier, there was 1 road in and the same road out.  Not so in here.  We saw were lucky enough to see elk.  The male elk was in a meadow in the distance.  I had to use binoculars to see him well.  On the other side of the road were 3 females and a baby elk.

We were on our return trip when 2 female elk and a baby crossed in the road.  We stopped the truck in a pull out to get pictures.   As we got out of the truck, a male elk walked out and stood in the middle of the road.  He was magnificent! His antlers were enormous.  He then bugled!  It is a very haunting sound.  In Autumn, it is rutting season for the elk.  We have been able to hear them bugle when we are sitting outside our RV at night.

 On our way to Yellowstone
 The first bison

 More bison
 Yellowstone Lake- HUGE

Thermals- they smell horrible

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