Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mule Ride and Phantom Ranch Day 2 pics

 Day 2, I took pictures downward as I was UP on the switchback

 David and ZugZug
 It was HIGH!

 Caught Berta's head

 We went UP the side of this cliff to get out!
 There are people hiking up there

 King Kong?? I don't see it
 Indian cheif
 went up here

 this is where we came from
 Going UP!
 The white mule fell down

 California Condor
 There are 2 condors flying
 This man dropped his dentures on the trail!!

 brother and sister
 Uncle and niece

 husband and wife

 The 10 mule riders

 Pack mules passed us on the trail

 We turned to the canyon tightly together

 Pack mules passed behind us

 Back on the trail
 I'm up much higher than these guys as I'm #3 in the line

 After the fall

 Turned to the canyon
 looking at the condors

 Colorado River- leaving Phantom Ranch
 We crossed this bridge on the mules
 campsites at Bright Campground near Phantom Ranch
 My view--looking at Berta

or looking at David and ZugZug (who had serious gas problems)

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